"Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."
The 20 million Zhuang are the largest people group in the world without the scriptures in their heart language.
We want to provide them with the bible in their own languages so they can follow Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life.
We aim to see an indigenous Biblical church movement amongst the Zhuang people.
Indigenous: because it is led by the Zhuang themselves;
Biblical: because they interpret Scripture for themselves;
Church: because the church is God's design for the Gospel;
Movement: because they will spread the word to their neighbours.
Verse of the day
Miz aiq, doiq vunz couh rox naenxsim, rox hojsik, mbouj rox rahoengz, mbouj gag haenh bonjfaenh, mbouj rasang. Miz aiq, couh roxsoq, mbouj vih bonjfaenh, ndaej rox daengz vunz, mbouj yungzheih fatheiq; vunz daekcoih mwngz, mwngz mbouj geiq youq ndaw sim.
1 Corinthians 13:4